DAYBREAKERS is a nice movie...I want to watch it one more time..
今晚和家人一起看了这部戏.起初我还以为会有多好看,不过看了真的还不错,超级赞!!!当然回到家马上就在blog里介绍给大家,嘿嘿......当然这部戏里有包含了一些血腥,极恶心,恐怖和刺激的画面.我建议如果你是大胆的人可以去看噢=) 这部戏只有在"京都"有上映的噢只限诗巫的朋友...至于时间是多久我没去算..我是看晚间九点场,散场的时间是十点四十分左右吧...至于大家喜不喜欢看就看个人喽..我是很喜欢的噢,因为我就是十分爱看类似这部戏的人,哈哈 ... 这部《嗜血破晓》想必是今年第二部吸血鬼题材大作(前一部是《新月》),尽管如此,剧情似乎处处透出《我是传奇》-I'm Legend的气息。人类变成吸血鬼、人类的爱、吸血鬼的爱、牺牲、奉献乃至将吸血鬼恢复成人的动机,让人怀疑这是不是一部仅仅将主演从黑人换成白人就呈给观众的电影呢?
Synopsis 剧情
In the year 2019, a virus, spreading like an epidemic, has transformed much of the world's population into vampires. As the vampire population nears extinction due to lack of human blood, vampires must capture and farm every remaining human for their blood, or at least find a blood substitute before the end of month at which time the world's supply of blood will be depleted.
When deprived of blood for extended periods of time, vampires begin to lose their human-like characteristics and end up transforming into winged bat-like monsters, which have diminished mental capacity and possess no ability to communicate; they are instead driven strictly by their impulse to feed.
Edward Dalton is a hematologist employed by Bromley Marks, a pharmaceutical company that is the chief supplier of blood for the American population, which is operated by Charles Bromley, a wealthy business executive.
After being saved from a vampire patrol by Edward following a car crash, a covert group of humans tell Edward their secret: there is a cure to vampirism, as proven by one of the group members, Lionel "Elvis" Cormac, who is currently a human but was previously a vampire.
Later on, the human group resort to contacting Edward's vampire friend and colleague Chris, for help in spreading the recent cure they've discovered. Chris ultimately betrays them because he has since discovered a blood-substitute and subsequently does not want a cure to become widespread, for fear of risking and jeopardizing his soon-to-be Chief Scientist ambition.
When deprived of blood for extended periods of time, vampires begin to lose their human-like characteristics and end up transforming into winged bat-like monsters, which have diminished mental capacity and possess no ability to communicate; they are instead driven strictly by their impulse to feed.
Edward Dalton is a hematologist employed by Bromley Marks, a pharmaceutical company that is the chief supplier of blood for the American population, which is operated by Charles Bromley, a wealthy business executive.
After being saved from a vampire patrol by Edward following a car crash, a covert group of humans tell Edward their secret: there is a cure to vampirism, as proven by one of the group members, Lionel "Elvis" Cormac, who is currently a human but was previously a vampire.
Later on, the human group resort to contacting Edward's vampire friend and colleague Chris, for help in spreading the recent cure they've discovered. Chris ultimately betrays them because he has since discovered a blood-substitute and subsequently does not want a cure to become widespread, for fear of risking and jeopardizing his soon-to-be Chief Scientist ambition.
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